■ 브리스톨팜스(Bristol Farms) / 캘리포니아, 프리미엄슈퍼
•Industry : Retail
•Founded : 1982 Rolling Hills Estates, California
•Headquarters : Carson, California
•Key people : Kevin Davis President & CEO
프리미엄 슈퍼마켓 브리스톨팜스 ‘노골적’으로 부유층을 공략하다
미국의 대표적인 프리미엄 슈퍼마켓인 '브리스톨팜스'가 추구하는 지향점은 고객들이 접할 수 있는 상품 가운데 가장 최상의 것을 제공한다는 것이다. 이렇게 뚜렷한 목표는 가격보다 질을 우선하는 미국 중산층 소비자들에게 지지를 받고 있다.
1982년 1호점을 선보인 이래 캘리포니아주를 중심으로 현재 13개점을 운영하고 있는 브리스톨팜스(Bristol Farms)의 전략은 명확하다. 바로 ‘최고의 상품’과 ‘신뢰’다.
Bristol Farms Inc. is an upscale grocery store chain in California, United States. Founded in Los Angeles County, Bristol Farms operates fifteen stores, twelve in Southern California, and one in San Francisco. The fourteenth and fifteenth stores operate as Lazy Acres Market in Santa Barbara and Long Beach, respectively. After several changes in ownership over the years, the company is now privately owned.
Bristol Farms opened its first store in 1982, in Rolling Hills Estates, California, the company having been started by Irv Gronsky and Mike Burbank, who had worked together in the food industry for almost twenty years. Their vision was to combine the service and food quality of a corner grocer, butcher and baker with the theatre of Harrods in London.[citation needed] The first store was an overwhelming success.
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